Maulana Shaikh Muhammad
Zakariyya bin Maulana Shaikh Muhammad Yahya bin Shaikh Ismail Al Kandhlawi was born on
Thursday 11th of Ramadhaan, 1315 hijri (2/2/1898), in a deeply religious and pious family.
His father was known for his extensive religious knowledge. He acquired his knowledge from
the Faqih (jurist) and outstanding Muhaddith (expert in hadith) of his time ---- the
famous leader and saint Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (may Allah shower his mercy upon him
- died 1323 AH). Shaikh
Muhammad Zakariyya acquired his basic knowledge from his father and with whom he did the
hifz of the Qur'aan Kareem as well. He also studied under his renowned paternal uncle
Maulana Muhammad Ilyaas bin Shaikh Ismail R.A., who became the Imam of the Tablighi Jamaat
and the Islamic Da'wah that has spread all over the world. This Da'wah has indeed filled
the entire atmosphere with barakat and blessings.
Thereafter he studied the major sets of hadith books at Madrasah Mazaahir Uloom, which was
second only in status to Darul Uloom, Deoband. He read the "Sahah Sitta" (six
most correct books on hadith) firstly by his father, and then again from Maulana Shaikh
Khalil Ahmad Al Ayyoobi Al Ansaari R.A., who compiled various books on diverse Islamic
topics and who took a leading part in eradicating bid'at and those who followed their own
desires. He grew up in the company of these great pious Ulama and leading Faqihs,
Muhaddiths and spiritual mentors. He witnessed the golden era of the famous spiritual Imam
Ash Shaikh Al Gangohi R.A. The forerunners of this spiritual school in the
"do-aaba" (area lying between the river Jamuna in the east and the river Ganga
in the west) were from the Waliullahi family. The spiritual education and enrichment was
spread there by Haji lmdaadullah's group.
The effect of this training was such that during the era of Maulana Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad
Gangohi R.A., from amongst his mureeds even those who were uneducated fully complied with
the sunnah, so much so that they were even punctual with their Tahajjud salat. The
atmosphere in the Shaikhs khanqah was such that fifty to sixty laundry washermen who
whilst washing their laundry in the early hours of the morning, would loudly say the
praises of Allah instead of singing other songs. The author had the good fortune of seeing
various senior and junior members of the Imdaadi family. He however did not meet Hadhrat
Haaji Imdaadullah R.A., who passed away (in 1317 A.H.) sometime before the author was
born. The author did not meet his grandfather who passed away (in 1315 A.H.) twenty days
after he was born. When his grandfather heard of this grandsons birth he said; 'My
substitute has come, now it is my time to go'. The author on many occasions saw Hadhrat
Maulana Shaikh Rasheed Ahmad Gangohi R.A., ate at his table and as a child hopped into his
lap etc. The author remembers all these incidents. This was the era when shariat and
tariqat were at a high level.
From Rajab, 1328 A.H. to Zul Qa'da, 1345 A.H., the author had the honour of being in the
company and under the training and guidance of Maulana Shaikh Khalil Ahmad R.A. He became
bai'at at the hands of this great spiritual mentor in 1333A.H. This period of
companionship with the Shaikh excludes the one year when Shaikhul Hind Maulana Mahmoodul
Hasan and Maulana Shaikh Khalil Ahmad Saheb R.A., were in Hijaaz. He was given Ijaazat and
Khilaafat by Maulana Shaikh Khalil Ahmad Saheb R.A. in 1344 A.H. at Madina Munawwarah
during their stay there.
He also had the good fortune of being with Maulana Shaikh Abdur Rahim Raipuri R.A., (died
1338 A.H.) Hakimul Ummat Maulana Shaikh Ashraf Ali Thanvi R.A. (died 1362 A.H.) Shaikhul
Islam Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani R.A. (died 1377 A.H.) and Imaamut Tawadhu Maulana Shah
Abdul Qaadir Raipuri R.A. (died 1382 A.H.) This in brief gives a glimpse of his
acquaintances in tariqat.
Ever since he attained adulthood he spent all his time in learning and teaching, ibadat
and dhikr, to spiritually guide and assist others and to deliver religious discourses. He
was the only person during that period who did not receive any remuneration for his
teaching. He lived a very simple life from his meager earnings from his own small book
shop. He made a successful effort to unify the important religious centers, viz., Deoband,
Saharanpur, Thana Bhawan and Nadwa - Lucknow.
He was appointed in 1335 A.H. as a mudarris at Madrasah Mazaahir Uloom, Saharanpur where
his tutor and father also taught and where he acquired his education. He was only twenty
years of age and thus became the youngest member of the staff ever, at a very nominal
wage. He was given those kitaabs to teach which are not normally given to new members of
the staff. He progressed rapidly and was given 'Mishkaatul Masaabeeh' and a few sections
of 'Sahihul Bukhari' to teach in the year 1341 A.H. (when he was only twenty six years of
age). He then became the senior mudarris and taught 'Sunan Abi Dawood', and the second
half of 'Sahihul Bukhari' for a long while. After the death of Maulana Abdul Latief Saheb
R.A., he taught the full 'Sahihul Bukhari'. This he did in spite of many ailments up to
1388 A.H. He became well known as Shaikhul Hadith. To a multitude of people today he is
known by this title.
Thus he taught at Madrasah Mazaahir Uloom for 53 years, without any remuneration. When he
was to accompany his Shaikh, Maulana Khalil Ahmad Saheb R.A. for Haj in 1344 A.H., he was
instructed by his Shaikh to take all his accumulated salary that was due to him. In
compliance he drew all, then later donated it to the Madrasah. He was offered many
lucrative positions but turned them all down to continue his service with Ikhlaas
(sincerity), Imaan and determination, for which Allah blessed him abundantly with what is
superior and everlasting. His initial task as an author was to assist his Shaikh Maulana
Khalil Ahmad Saheb R.A., when he wrote the 'Bazlul Majhood', a commentary on Sunnan Abi
Dawood. This was in 1344 A.H., when he was only twenty nine years of age, while they were
at Madina Munawwarah.
When his Shaikh R.A., passed away in 1345 A.H., he was honored and graced to take his
place, and also given the top- most post to teach hadith. It was at Madina Munawwarah,
next to the blessed tomb, that he began writing the commentary of 'Muw'atta Imam Malik',
which he titled 'Awjazul Masaalik' (six volumes). His books today, both in Urdu and
English are being read the world over, both individually and in Masjids and wherever the
members of the Tablighi Jamaat make an effort. Certainly Allah has granted acceptance of
his writings. Some of his very popular books are;
1. Awjazul Masaalik, commentary of Muw'atta Imam Malik. (six volumes compiled in thirty
one years).
2. Juz Hajjatul Wadaa and Umraatun Nabi S.A.W.
3. Al Kawkabud Durri, commentary on Jam'e Tirmizi.(Two Parts).
4. Laami'ud Duraari, commentary on Sahihul Bukhaari. (three volumes).
1. Fadhaa'il Qur'aan (1348 A.H.)
2. Fadhaa'il Ramadhaan (1349 A.H.)
3. Fadhaa'il Tabligh (1350 A.H.)
4. Fadhaa'il Namaaz (1358 A.H.)
5. Fadhaa'il Hai (1367 A.H.)
6. Fadhaa'il Sadaqaat (1368 A.H.)
7. Fadhaa'il Zik'r
8. Fadhaa'il Durood Sharif (1384 A.H.)
9. Fadhaa'il Tijaarat (1401 A.H.)
10. Hikaayatus Sahaabah (1357 A.H.)
11. Al I'itidaal fi Maraatibir Rijaal (1357 A.H.)
12. Daari Ka Wujoob
13. Aap Bieti (five volumes) (1388 - 1391)
14. Shari'at Wa Tariqat (1398 A.H.)
15. Ummul Amraadh
16. Fitna-e-Mowdudiat
17. Mowt ki Yaad
1. Stories of the Sahaabah
2. Virtues of Salat
3. Virtues of Qur'aan
4. Virtues of Ramadhaan
5. Virtues of Haj
6. Virtues of Durood Sharif
7 Virtues of Zik'r
8. Muslims Afflictions
9. The Beard of a Muslim and its Importance
(The- above information was extracted from the prefaces by Hadhrat Maulana Yusuf Banuri
R.A., and Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadawi to the book 'Awjazul Masaalik', and other books by
Hadhrat Shaikh Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya. Saheb). |