Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Sahib (RA)
lived in Hardoi, U.P. India. His father was Maulana Mahmud-ul-Haq Haqqi Sahib
(RA), who was a Khalifah Mujaaz-e-Suhbat of Hazrat Thanwi (RA). Their lineage
went up to Shaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi (RA). His initial education of
Arabic, Urdu, and Farsi started at home. Afterwards he enrolled at
Mazaahir-ul-Uloom in Saharanpur, and completed the Alim course. During the
course of his studies, his piety had manifested itself in such a way that it had an effect
on his classmates, and came to the notice of his teachers. He was also very
fortunate to be afforded the opportunity to travel to Thana Bhawan from Saharanpur every
week. Especially during the holidays, he would stay in the service of his
Murshid. It is for this very reason that Hakeem-ul-Ummah (RA) paid special
attention towards him. He received Khilafat from Hazrat Thanwi (RA) at a very
young age. It was upon the order of his spiritual mentor, Hazrat Thanwi (RA)
that he went to Hardoi to kindle the fire of the knowledge of Deen from which the Muslim
population is still benefiting from. He founded a Madrasah there by the name
of Ashraf-ul-Madaris. Besides the local students, there were students from
Mumbai, Gujarat, Hyderabad, and other various places.
Keeping his religious yearning in mind, Hazrat Maulana Shah
Abrar-ul-Haq Sahib (RA) had revived the Majlis Dawat-ul-Haq that was initially
formed by Hazrat Thanwi (RA). It then took a new beginning in Hardoi, and now
carries on the work of Islah and Tabligh. They often host conferences as well
because of which the fire of Iman was rekindled in the Muslims of Hardoi.
Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Sahib (RA) was also the head of
Majlis Siyanat-ul-Muslimeen, which holds its annual conference at Jamiah Ashrafiya,
in Lahore, Pakistan.
Hazrat Maulana Shah Abrar-ul-Haq Sahib (RA) was the last of Hazrat
Thanwis (RA) Khulafaa to pass away. He passed onto the mercy of Allah
on May 17, 2005. We pray that Allah fill his qabr with noor.