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Ml. Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri Saheb (RA) |
Every Shaikh of Tariqat
envies a disciple like him Very rarely Allah blesses humanity with people like him Introduction The life of Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb Raipuri (Nawwarallahu Marqadahu) yields many precious lessons for the Muslim Ummah. Some insight into his life can be gained through reading Hazrat Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwis Savanih-e-Maulana Abdul Qadir Raipuri. Hazrat Raipuris life can be looked at in three different stages: First, his childhood and education. Second, his search for Shaikh-e-Kaamil and acquiring training from him. Third, after the demise of his Shaikh, how he benefited thousands with the nur of Maarifate Ilahi (Divine recognition) of Allah. Childhood and Education Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb was born in the house of Hazrat Hafiz Ahmad Saheb in 1295 Hijri in district of Sarghoda (present day Pakistan). The father of Hazrat Raipuri belonged to a religious and knowledgeable family. Hazrat Raipuri became a hafiz of the Quran under the supervision of his uncle, Maulana Kaleemullah Saheb. He learned Arabic grammar from Maulana Muhammad Rafiq Saheb, who was a student of Qutbul Arshad Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alaih). Thereafter, he left his home town for acquisition of higher Islamic studies. Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb went through great sacrifices and hardships in the pursuit of knowledge. He used to go from city to city on foot and had a very simple and content childhood. Never did he look towards any creation or ask from any person for help or dependency, because Allah alone was sufficient for him. He studied in Saharanpur, Panipat and Delhi. In Delhi, Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb studied the books of Hadith in Madrasa Abdur Rabb under Maulana Abd al-Ali (Rahmatullahi Alaih), who was a student of Hujjatul Islam Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Qasim Saheb Nanotawi (Rahmatullahi Alaih). Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb also had the honor of attending some lectures on Tirmizhi Sharif by Imamul Asr Hazrat Maulana Anwar Shah Saheb Kashmiri (Rahmatullahi Alaih). After completing his studies in Quran, Hadith, Arabic, Farsi, Fiqh and Muntaq, Hazrat Maulana also studied Greek Medicine and likewise excelled in that as well. Thereafter, for some time he gave lectures relating to Quran and Hadith in Bareily and some other places. The knowledge of Quran and Hadith had ignited the fire of Maarifate Ilahi inside his heart. Hazrat left all his engagements and set out to find the Shaikh-e-Kaamil that could ingrain the recognition and love of Allah and Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) in the depths of his heart. Search for Shaikh-e-Kaamil Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb searched for a Shaikh-e-Kaamil very intensively. He had a strong urge in him for finding a guide that could connect his soul with the Creator of the universe. Somebody that could teach him how to suppress the nafs, desires and the whisperings of shaytan, the evil devil. Somebody that could quench the thirst of love in his heart. After his long and diligent search for Shaikh-e-Kaamil, he finally reached the Khanqah of Hazrat-e-Aqqadus Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb Raipuri in Raipur (Utter Pardesh, India). In the very first meeting, he was overwhelmingly impressed and affected from Hazrat-e-Aqqadus Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb. He requested Hazrat to take him under his bayat and become his pir. Hazrat Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb gave him the suggestion to go to his Shaikh, Qutbul Arshad Hazrat Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Saheb Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alaih). But, Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb said: I am totally related to you. Thereafter, Hazrat-e-Aqqadus Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb gave him some azkaar and said: What is the hurry? and then sent Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb back to his native land of Sarghoda. After a short span of time, Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb returned to Raipur and took bayat on the hand of Hazrat Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb Raipuri. From then on, he remained busy in Zikrullah (remembrance of Allah), Mujahidaat (sacrifices) and Khidmat-e-Shaikh (service of his spiritual guide). Hazrat-e-Aqqadus Maulana Abdur Raheem Saheb remained pleased with him until his last breath and upon his demise, he made Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb his chief successor and Khalifa and commanded Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb to remain in his khanqah and continue his efforts in reformation of people. While in the Khanqah, Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb was always consistent in his spiritual practices and became determined in achieving his purpose. He had the highest Adab (respect) for his Shaikh, who became the most dear to him after Allah and Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). His character was beautifully built to such an extent that all sorts of people flocked towards him for their spiritual rectification. Hazrat was very simple and self-less. He had used Tassawwuf as it was meant to be used to gain the recognition of Allah and please Allah through following Rasulullah (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). But, this condition of fanaiyat (absorption) in Allah which he had achieved was the result of his companionship with his Shaikh, who had been trained under the auspicious Maulana Rasheed Ahmad Saheb Gangohi himself, whose illuminated personality and attributes can not be explained in words. It was also the result of his consistency in his azkaar and other spiritual practices. If somebody wants to see what can be achieved through Tassawwuf, the life of Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb is enough as a proof of the benefits of Tassawwuf. Benefiting Humanity Once a person is trained to benefit humanity, he is called Khalifa. Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Saheb was the Khalifa and successor of his Shaikh. After the demise of his Shaikh, for forty-five long years, he remained benefiting people by connecting them to Allah and ingraining the love of Allah in their hearts. Hundreds of Ulama (scholars) achieved maarifate Ilahi under his supervision and thousands of common people came on the true teachings of Allah and Rasulullah (Alayhi Salatu wat-Tasleemat) through their connection with him. He reformed people from all branches of life, including farmers, businessmen, traders, politicians, lawyers, etc., A large number of Ulama benefited from their roohani nisbat (spiritual relationship) with him. Some of them are: Hazrat Shaikhul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Zakariya Kandhalvi, Hazrat Ji Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Saheb Kandhalvi, Mufakkire Islam Hazrat Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Saheb Nomani, Ameer-e-Shariat Hazrat Maulana Syed Ataullah Shah Bukhari, Maulana Shah Abdul Aziz Saheb of Sargodha, Maulana Syed Anwar Hussein Nafees of Lahore, Maulana Syed Abdul Munim Abu Zar Bukhari of Multan, and many others. This lamp of guidance and source of enlightenment finally met the Lord of the universe and Creator of the heavens and the earth on 14th of Rabiul Awwal 1382 Hijri. May Allah elevate his status in the hereafter and give us all the ability to follow the footsteps of such illustrious and sincere followers of Syedul Bashr (Salallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam). Ameen. |
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